[๐Ÿ‘] Signature hash does not match opencart 4

Table of Content

1. Description
2. Issue Details
3. Extension Marketplace
4. Opencart Marketplace API
5. Opencart.com and Add Domain
6. Get API Username & API Secret

Generally, we face so many issues with opencart but, here we will help to resolve a issue which is very common and can be easy resolved by following below steps. So, let’s get started and we hope our step by step guide will help you a lot in resolving this problem.

Issue Details: Faced when we tried to install payment method (Paypal Checkout Integration) or say any extension after fresh install of opencart version 4:

Step 1: Now, you have to click Marketplace and then the Red color error Icon

Step 2: After click on Red color error icon a popup will appear that will ask you to enter the username and Secret

Step 3: Now, you have visit https://www.opencart.com and add your store domain to get the username and secret.

Step 4: Add your store domain and get the username and secret that you can take and paste as per Step 2

Now, you have to click on eye icons to view the API Username and API Secret.

You are done! Cheers ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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